
Jordan A. Berg

I am a computational research scientist at Altos Labs in the Bay Area Institute.

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Utah, where I worked in the lab of Jared Rutter (Department of Biochemistry), and was co-advised by Bei Wang (School of Computing). During my Ph.D., I was funded first by an NIDDK T32, and then by an NCI F99 predoctoral fellowship (1F99CA253744). During my undergraduate degree, I worked in the lab of Julianne Grose isolating and phenotypically and genomically characterizing novel Erwinia and Brevibacillus bacteriophages.

My primary interests center around developing computational tools and mathematical methods to aid in metabolism research and applying these and other methods to obtain novel biological insights into complex systems. Previously, I have been using these methods to explore the role of metabolism in cancer progression and heart failure. I also develop and maintain the bioinformatics software suites, Metaboverse, which aids researchers in contextualizing their metabolic data and automates the process of identifying regulatory events within their data; Electrum, which assists in visualizing and analyzing MIDAS data; and XPRESSyourself, which adds to and automates the quantification and analysis of ribosome profiling and other gene expression data.

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Former Trainees

Ian George

Fall 2019 - present


Tarun Yaduv

Fall 2021 - Summer 2022


Lilly R.

High School Student
Winter - Summer 2021


Claudia Charles

Undergraduate (NARI)
Summer 2019
